The meeting in Mumbai was a continuation of the meeting that took place in Delhi on the 4th and 5th of September .
Based on the brainstorming that has taken place over several months, came the idea to focus on the core constituency most affected by bad leadership.
Though on a general level, bad leadership affects the most poor and marginalised: Dalits comprising Hindus, Christians, Buddhists and what is termed as the pasmanda or Dalit Muslims. The second group identified was the scheduled tribes excluding for the moment tribes located in the north east. The third category were the backwards.
The realization came that these 3 groups form close to 60% of the population and in-spite of these large numbers find themselves the most underdeveloped, discriminated against, and persecuted.
The vision of ARVP is to envision these groups to come together on a single platform unifying these groups based on their common victimhood. However, this platform needs to be led by people who embody servant leadership and integrity.
The meeting in Mumbai, had two groups represented the Dalits and the Pasmanda Muslims, and was chaired by Shri Mahesh Bhatt,
Maulana Mustakeen Azmi, and Anand Raj Ambedkar. The meeting was called for and organized by ARVP. About 250 people were present. The presentation by ARVP had a huge impact on the people who came and speaker after speaker endorsed the need and the vision of
ARVP. Mahesh Bhatt and Mustakeen Azmi were the most vocal on the issue and kept referring to the need for unity of these groups.
After the meeting, many leaders came forward to express their desire for another meeting between key leaders representing the two groups.
The meeting also had representatives from the Aam Admi Party who came as a group and requested that Aam Admi Party and ARVP should join hands. This was followed up by a telephone call by Mr. Mayank Gandhi head of the Maharastra Unit of AAP wanting to have a meeting on the 21st November in Delhi.
Many thanks to the efforts and hard work of Navin Tauro and Abraham Mathai, without whom the meeting in Mumbai could not have taken place.